ISA National Cross Country Championships 2024/25
Sunday 9 March 2025
Mallory Park Circuit, Church Road, Kirkby, Mallory, Leicestershire, LE9 7QE
Please click on "More Info" on the right-hand side for more information, including the course map (update below), and timings.
Important event update:
Please be aware that due to circumstances beyond our control, we may be forced to change the course routes. Unfortunately, unplanned building works on the existing course may require us to use other areas of the grounds. We apologise for any disruption to your planning and are working hard to ensure runners still have a positive experience on the day. There are no changes to the event timings, and race distances will remain as close to the planned course as possible.
The ISA National Cross Country Finals require qualification through your area. Click here for your area calendar and further information about your qualifying event taking place in Spring Term 2024/25.

Event Sponsor

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Event Partners

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Phone: 01799 523619

Sporting opportunities: ISA Sport Leaflet

Only schools whose Head is a Member with ISA are eligible to enter these competitions.  Please contact our membership department to enquire about joining ISA. 

National Governing Bodies
