20 May 2021
by Jaikuran Randhawa

The Ursuline Preparatory School, Brentwood, celebrates heroes

During the week of 10th May the Ursuline Preparatory School held their annual Book Week celebrations. The theme for this year’s Book Week was “Heroes”, celebrating the written word, focussing on the life and times of those who inspire us. The week began with two author visits from friends of the school, Laura Gallagher and Tom Palmer. The Prep-Prep department, Intermediate (year 1), Transition (year 2) and Upper Two (year 6) thoroughly enjoyed Laura’s presentation about her journey to achieve her dreams of becoming an author. The Junior classes then each had a Zoom meeting with Tom and the teachers were really proud of their responses to his talk about the heroes in his books and people and events that have inspired him with his writing. Tuesday was “Dressing up Day” and we were thrilled to see the wonderful variety and quality of the hero costumes, which ranged from Charlie Bucket to Captain Tom, Emmeline Pankhurst, Katherine Johnson and NHS Workers. Each child brought in a book to accompany their costume so that they could explain who their hero was. Also during this day the children in U2 treated Kindergarten to a special buddy reading, superhero style, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the children involved. The travelling Book Fair was also in school all week and thanks to the fantastic support of the parents, we were able to raise over £600 to buy books for our school and the class libraries. Mrs Sarah Macdonald, Head of English was delighted with the way the week progressed and it was lovely to see the children really embrace the delight of reading.