18 Aug 2022

Historic A Level Results Day for Cardiff Sixth Form College

It’s a momentous day over in Wales for Cardiff Sixth Form College’s students and staff alike as the class of 2022 have earned the school’s best ever results in an examination year.

Cardiff Sixth Form College, a co-educational school with boarding set in the heart of Wales, have seen 74% of their students who applied to a university in the UK earn a place at a Russell Group institute.

Examinations returned for pupils this year after 2020 and 2021 saw teacher assessed grades and with it comes a landmark set of results for the college.

A remarkable 94% of students achieved at least three A grades. 81% of the young people who sought further education have landed a spot at the QS’ top 100 universities worldwide.

Jaynee from Bridgend has achieved her lifelong dream of studying medicine after achieving an astonishing four A*s in Chemistry, Biology, Maths and English Literature.

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The 18-year-old’s interest in medicine was sparked by her role as a full-time carer for her grandmother, leaving Jaynee fascinated by the work of medical staff.

Imperial College in London is the next step for Jaynee who has ‘never known anything else’ than to care for her grandmother and described the work of hospital staff as ‘inspiring’ and ‘pivotal’ to her decision to study medicine:

“As an only child I have never known anything else. We had no outside support so I felt my mission in life was to care for my Nanna and to look after people generally. When she passed away it was as if I had lost my purpose and compounded by lockdowns during the pandemic, I felt very displaced.”

“I first went into hospital with my Nanna when she was diagnosed with vascular dementia, triggered by a mini stroke, when I was two years old,

“She was very disabled, blind and needed lots of support so hospital became almost like our second home. I found the atmosphere very inspiring and idealised the doctors. Seeing people who had such a positive manner and were doing their absolute best to help people, many of whom were extremely ill, really focused me. It was pivotal in helping me decide what I wanted to do with my life.”

To read more about Jaynee’s phenomenal achievements, like her campaigns for dementia charity BRACE, visit here.

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Another heartwarming journey from Cardiff is that of Zorian ─ an 18-year-old from Kyiv who has dedicated as much of his time to his education in a life-changing year of study to helping the community of British people in Cardiff who have opened their homes to Ukrainian refugees.

Alongside study that has seen Zorian reap four As in Physics, Maths, Biology and Chemistry – earning him the chance to read Biological Sciences at Durham University – the Kyiv native has been a pillar of support for refugees from his homeland, translating documents for them, helping them with day-to-day tasks and not least of all ─ a familiar face for his displaced compatriots to communicate with.

Zorian sheds some light on how the conflict has transformed his family’s lives:

“I live in the suburbs in west of Kyiv. Before the war started my Mum and Dad were lawyers. Dad was on the Ukrainian Committee for Judicial Reform, taking things up to the European Union level.  He joined the military the day after the war started, signing up to the territorial defence and receiving basic training. He did this because he wanted to protect his home and support his country.  As the war has progressed, he has moved on; he has been assigned to the military and is now seeing active service on the front line. He is now on the Belarus border looking at routes, surveillance, communication and connecting the regiments and their communities.”

Durham University’s newest student has continued to aid his countrymen upon the completion of his studies by volunteering as a translator for the Armed Forces Military Training Programme.

To learn more about Zorian’s remarkable achievements at an unimaginable time that sees his father serve on the frontline and mother forced to evacuate Western Ukraine, visit the school’s website.

Gareth Collier, Principal of Cardiff Sixth Form College, is ‘thrilled’ with the achievements of his students:

“We are absolutely thrilled that so many of our students are going onto top universities and have gained places to study some of the UK’s most competitive courses”

“We have all been unsure as to what this year’s results would be and how they will be graded to take into account the pandemic however we are delighted with the excellent grades that our students have achieved.

“We have very experienced and dedicated teaching staff, many of them examiners in their own right and the school is gaining a tremendous reputation, not just in the UK, but all around the world.”