16 Jul 2018
by jenniequillen

Bringing generations together in the local community

Since January 2018 the children in Kindergarten (Reception class) of The Ursuline Preparatory School, Brentwood have been making regular visits to Beeches Care Home in Brentwood. During these visits the children have sat and read with the residents, shared stories and talked about their day. Kindergarten and the residents have thoroughly enjoyed this experience and have both taken away lovely memories of the times that they have spent together. On 10 July, the children welcomed their friends from Beeches Care Home to their school for a tea party. Kindergarten talked about their school and all the things that they have done there over the last year, they all sat in the school gardens under a beautiful warm sky and listened to a story read out by one of the residents from the care home. Miss Sharp, Class Teacher said that it has been wonderful to see relationships and bonds grow between the two generations and that she hopes that the visits between Beeches and the Ursuline can continue in the future.