In this course, Laura will unpack the latest developments in digital wellbeing and online safeguarding, especially thinking about how AI changes the picture for those with pastoral and safeguarding responsibilities. The course will provide key information about the latest tech developments, and how we should evolve our practice in response to evolving threats and risks as a result.

Aims of the course:

To develop up-to-date understanding about threats and risks posed by AI, and explore the importance of digital wellbeing and citizenship education including:

  • Updating our perception of risk
  • Identifying and responding to new threats
  • Working towards AI Literacy 

What you will learn: 

  • Updated information about the impact of AI on the online safeguarding and digital wellbeing landscape 
  • Key risks and threats
  • Proactive approaches to take to support young people through the curriculum and through pastoral provision
Laura  Knight

Laura Knight

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